Tag Archives: mayor

Kristina Axén Olin steps down… Well done Kristina: love your neighbor as yourself!

Kristina Axén Olin steps downWell done Kristina: love your neighbor as yourself!

I have been surprised; happily surprised that Kristina has stepped down from her position as “mayor” from the city of Stockholm. I am happily surprised because finally she has chosen for herself and her family. It was years ago that I had contact with her for the first time and as time passed our contact became less and less.

I have appreciated her as someone who had a genuine concern for her city and the inhabitants, she truly loved Stockholm and the Stockholmers. During her political carrier I was able to spend some time with her. I tried to think of her as a person with a family and a marriage and not as a person in power. A few times as we met I mentioned my concern for her and her family; this was long before crisis hit her.

Kristina, I don’t know whether you will ever read this, but I congratulate you with your choice… It is good for you to step down from your position as a mayor. You do love the Stockholmers, you love us… But, you can only love us to the degree that you love yourself and your family!

Love your neighbors (us, the Stockholmers) as yourself! My prayer is that you will come to peace in your life that you will learn to love yourself enough to be on the receiving end of love. My prayer is that this will be the time in your life to recuperate and learn to receive. You don’t need to fix all things. You don’t need to carry the burden of the world upon your shoulders! You are accepted, loved and appreciated for who you are… not for what you do!

My desire and prayer is that somehow, some time there might be an opportunity to show you that you are loved when you least expect it! When the music has faded, when the lime lights are gone and people have forgotten you for what you did… When others have taken your place and have moved on in the political realm. Then I hope to be one of those who can tell/show you that you are not forgotten, that you were appreciated and thought of for who you were; Kristina, a woman, a mother, a child of the King!

God bless you during these shaking and moving times.

May He protect you,
